What's New at Pro Tour Fantasy Golf
Dec 29, 2024 - Additional Prize Places For Most Cuts Made & Weekly Top 10 Contests
For leagues participating in the Most Cuts Made and Most Weekly Top 10 contests, commissioners
now have the option to award second and third place prizes. This enhancement expands the prize options beyond
the previously available first place award.
June 1, 2024 - Enhanced Golfer Usages With Earnings
The Golfer's Used pages were
enhanced to include total earnings for each golfer & team. In addition, the
Total Golfer Usages
page was updated with a new Utilization Percentage column. Don't forget, on most PTFG pages, you can
click on the column headings to sort the table data.
November 25, 2023 - Signature Events
New tournament type of Signature Event added to the Schedule
page. Signature Events are new to the PGA Tour for 2024 and consist of a limited field featuring top players
and increased prize money.
February 1, 2023 - Commissioner's Cup Contest
Added a new optional Commissioner's Cup contest feature where the league commissioner can choose a
set of tournaments for a separate side competition. This is similar to the optional majors contest, except
the tournaments do not have to the majors. For example, you could choose all signature events for a season.
Or you could combine some or all of the signature events with the FedEx Cup playoff tournaments. Either way,
the tournaments are totally up to your league commissioner. Hence, the reason reason it's called the
Commissioner's Cup.
Up to 5 prizes can awarded for the Commissioner's Cup. Just like other contests, virtual trophies are awarded for teams coming in first and last place:
Up to 5 prizes can awarded for the Commissioner's Cup. Just like other contests, virtual trophies are awarded for teams coming in first and last place:
- First place
- Last place
March 27, 2022 - Participant Privacy Changes
To protect the privacy of those participating in PTFG leagues, team owner names (and user flag, if enabled),
will no longer be displayed on the Standings and other pages to non-league members. In other words, you must be
logged into the league website to see a participant's name. Other data including team name, earnings, and place
are still viewable when not logged in.
March 26, 2022 - User Flag Enhancements
The Country Flag setting was renamed to User Flag. The flag choices have been extended from
just countries, to now include U.S. States as well as various cities through out the world. There are
over 50 different cities to choose from. So now participants can fly their flag!
- Country (e.g. United States)
- State (e.g. Arizona)
- City (e.g. Atlanta)
February 6, 2022 - Dead Freaking Last (DFL) Trophy Icons
Added Dead Freaking Last (DFL) trophies for teams that finish in solo last place for:
- Overall season
- Each segment, if configured
- Majors Contest, if configured
January 31, 2022 - Weekly Top 10 Finishes Contest
Add a new optional Weekly Top 10 Finishes season long contest is now available. A first place prize can
be awarded to the team with the most weekly top 10 finishes for the entire season. If this prize is enabled,
there is Weekly Top 10 link on the Standings page to track what place each team is in. If there is
a tie, the tie-breaker is overall season earnings. The winning team will get a
next to their team name on the Standings and Hall of Fame pages.

July 12, 2021 - Weekly Results Page
Added new columns to the Weekly Results page showing the
current place of each team for the following side contests when enabled for your league:
- Start of Season Streak Place (SOSP)
- Anytime Streak Place (ASP)
- No Winner Picked Place (NWPP)
- Cuts Made Place (CMP)
September 30, 2020 - Two & Thru Season Format
Added a new league format called Two & Thru. Same rules as the One & Done format where
you start one golfer each week. However, with this format, you're not done using that golfer as you can
start him a second time. Let's be honest, it's fun to pick your favorite golfers more than once per year. So
this format still offers the simplicity of One & Done while giving you that option. In fact, this
format is configurable from 2-10 usages per year. So you could play Ten & Done if you really wanted
to, but most leagues playing this format choose 2-4 golfer usa
Nov 1, 2019 - Golfer No Show Options
Add two new options for NO SHOW golfers where a team's alternate pick can substituted:
- Withdrawn (WD)
- Disqualified (DQ)
Oct 1, 2019 - Standard PGA Tour Golfer Earning Percentages For TOUR Championship Finale
Added option to end season with TOUR Championship. However, golfer earnings won't be the actual earnings,
but will instead be calculated using the Standard PGA Tour Payout Structure
(1st=18%, 2nd=10.8%, 3rd=6.8%, etc). This is the same tournament purse used with the prior two FedEx Cup
tournaments. We are delighted to have this new option available which certainly adds a bit of twist for wrapping
up the season. Things to consider before enabling for your league:
- There is a staggered start to the TOUR Championship utilizing a concept called Starting Strokes where the FedExCup leaders will begin the event with a head-start on the competition. The player who finishes the four rounds at Atlanta’s East Lake Golf Club with the lowest score in relation to par will win the tournament. The staggered start is explained here.
- There are only 30 golfers in the field, so leagues, depending on format and number of tournaments, may have limited golfers to choose from. With it being the 34th tournament of the year, there should not be too many concerns about having a golfer(s) to choose from, they just may not be the top golfers starting at -10, -8, -7, -6, or -5 under par.
Jan 27, 2019 - Optional Tournament Winner Requirement For Skins Contest
Added must pick tournament winner option for Skins contest. In addition to solo high score, you
must also have the tournament winning golfer in your lineup. This is strictly optional and will reduce the
overall number skins awarded for the season compared to if picking the winner is not required.
December 2, 2018 - Earnings By Round Chart
New Earnings By Round chart added to the Weekly Results page. This new line chart allows you to
graphically compare your earnings by round against other teams. Earnings for rounds 1-3 are based on projected
earnings while earnings for round 4 are the final (actual) earnings. This chart is available after the second
round is completed since at least 2 rounds of data is required.
November 11, 2018 - Projected Golfer Earnings After Each Round
Projected weekly results now available after each round based on your selected golfers. This is a
best guess estimate based on the PGA Tour purse payout percentages and distribution
(1st=18%, 2nd=10.8%, 3rd=6.8%, etc). You will see a new Projected drop-down on the
Weekly Results page that can be used to access this new
feature. If you would like to get an email notification when the projected result have been updated (after
rounds 1-3), you can enable it via the My Profile Link at the bottom of the screen (Projected Results
Email). It is disabled by default so the system is not spamming anyone who is not interested in these
updates. Please note that there are a few situations where the PGA Tour doesn't follow its standard purse
payout formula and the website does not account for this. Projected results are not available for the Match Play
and Two Man Team (Zurich) tournaments due to their unique format. Tip: you can mouse over the golfer's name
to see what place they were in at the end of the round.
April 22, 2018 - League Settings Page
Added link to League Settings page
accessible from Home page. You must be logged in order to access.
March 20, 2018 - Lineup Lockout Feature
Added ability for league commissioners to lockout individual users from entering a lineup. This is useful
for deadbeat owners yet to pay their league entry fee. Any locked out users will have a
next to their name in the standings and get an message to contact their
league commissioner(s) when the click on the Lineup tab.

January 18, 2018 - Increased Max Golfer Usage Limits
For the Pick 3 Classic and Let It Ride formats, there is now the option to increase the
number of times a golfer can be picked from four times per season to up 10 times per season. For the
Pick 3 Classic format, with the mulligan feature, makes the maximum usages 11. Existing leagues can leave
this setting as is or increase it based on what their league members prefer. This change does not apply to
leagues playing the One & Done format.
September 1, 2017 - Pre-Load Teams From Prior Season Feature
Added new feature to help league commissioners get the upcoming season up and running as quick as possible
with minimal effort). League commissioners can now pre-load all teams from the prior season. On the
Commish tab, when the Pre-Load Teams button is clicked, each user from the prior year will get
a new team created (with the same name as before). This option is only available while there are no teams
setup for the upcoming season, so it must done as a first step. Once the first team is created, the
Pre-Load Teams button will be disabled. Teams created via the process can be easily deleted the
league commissioner for any users choosing to opt out of the new season.
May 1, 2017 - Tournament Past Results Button On Lineup Page
A new Past Results button to the PGA Tour website with prior year results for the corresponding
tournament. This button is available on both the Lineup and Results pages. It can be useful
before the tournament starts to see who did well the prior year. It can be useful after the tournament is over
to verify the golfer earnings.
May 1, 2017 - Hot Team Icon
A new Hot Team icon
now appears next to team name in standings for teams with
strong finishes over the past two consecutive weeks.

April 30, 2017 - Prizes Trend Chart
Added new Prizes Trend Chart to the
Prizes page. This chart displays
the changes in the number of teams and prizes from the outset of the league. The chart data will only
be available starting in year two of a league since two or more seasons are required for comparison purposes.
March 15, 2017 - Weekly Prizes For Majors Contests
Weekly prizes can now be awarded for just the majors tournaments. This is a nice option for leagues that don't
want to award a prize to the top team each week, but still want to spice it up for the majors. Alternatively,
another great weekly prize option is the weekly skins contests. Weekly prizes are not recommended for the
One & Done contests due to the large number of ties that occur when picking only one golfer each week.
February 14, 2017 - Participant Entry Fee Enhancements
- Private league commissioners can include their Venmo Id in addition to their PayPal Id in the Entry Fee Instructions section.
- Added new name referrer field to the sign-up page for those leagues who want to track referrals. Some leagues provide a credit (e.g. $25) for each new league member recruited. It's a great way to grow the league, if desired. This feature is turned off by default.
Nov 18, 2016 - Skins Pool Contest
Optional Skins Pool contest now available for all league formats. Here's how it works:
Your league designates an overall skin pool prize amount for the season. Any team that wins high score for a week, wins one skin. They do not have to pick the winning golfer. They simply need to have solo high score for the week (i.e. no ties). At the end of the season, the Skins Pool prize amount is divided by the number of skins won. The fewer number of Skins winners, the more each skin is worth. This is reflected on the Prizes page throughout the season. Each team winning a skin will have a
next to their team name on the Standings page. The great thing about this optional prize is that it gives
everyone something to play for each week -- regardless of what place they're in -- up through the very
last week of the season.
Your league designates an overall skin pool prize amount for the season. Any team that wins high score for a week, wins one skin. They do not have to pick the winning golfer. They simply need to have solo high score for the week (i.e. no ties). At the end of the season, the Skins Pool prize amount is divided by the number of skins won. The fewer number of Skins winners, the more each skin is worth. This is reflected on the Prizes page throughout the season. Each team winning a skin will have a

February 1, 2016 - Tournament PLAYERS Championship (TPC) As 5th Major Option
For leagues which choose to include the 4 majors as a separate prize, there is now an option to include the
THE PLAYERS Championship as a 5th major. Only the 4 majors will be used by default. If this is
something you want enabled for your league, just reach out and let us know.
February 15, 2015 - Season Prizes Summary
Added new Season Prizes Summary
page accessible from the Prizes tab. This new page is a great way to see a cumulative list all prizes
won by each owner for a specified season.
February 1, 2015 - Swap Golfers Button
For One & Done leagues, added Swap Golfers arrows button to the Lineup page. This allows you
to easily swap your starting golfer with your alternate pick when you change your mind between the two.
Afterwards, don't forget to click on the Submit Lineup button at the bottom of the page.
December 1, 2014 - Claim Your Prize Button
The Prizes tab now contains a form to claim your prize with your private league commissioner. A
A Claim Your Prize link will appear in the submenu section (if logged in) once your season completes.
The prizes you won throughout the season will appear on this form which can be submitted to your private
league commissioner Andrew Martin. A confirmation email with your
supplied mailing address and other information will be sent to both of you. It is not required that you use
this functionality. It is up to each league as it's strictly for convenience.
March 15, 2014 - User Secondary Email Address
Users can now enter a secondary email address for all communications from the website including weekly lineup
reminders, weekly results, missing lineup reminders, and other emails sent by the league commissioner.
This setting is called the "CC Email" and is great option for participants who share a team or simply
want all website emails sent to a second email address (e.g. work and home). It is important to note that only
the primary email address can be used as the login Id and users CANNOT login within the secondary "CC Email"
address. You can add a "CC Email" address to your profile by clicking on the My Profile link at
the bottom of each page. If you are playing in multiple PTFG leagues, your "CC Email" can be different for each
league. As a result, it must set it in each league.
December 1, 2013 - Select Alternate Golfer Option
If enabled for your league, participants can now select an alternate golfer when submitting your lineup.
If your starting golfer is a NO SHOW (i.e. does not hit one shot as per the contest
rules), then your selected alternate golfer will be used in place
of your starting pick.
Alternate picks will be automatically processed by the system between the 1st and 2nd rounds. Therefore, you do not need to contact the PTFG Commissioner to update your lineup. You will receive an automated email from the system if your lineup gets updated with your alternate pick. In the unlikely event that your alternate pick is also a NO SHOW, your alternate pick will not be used. Instead, your starting lineup will simply be updated with NO SHOW like prior years. The list of each team's alternate pick and whether it was used can be viewed on the Alternate Picks page available via the submenu link on the Weekly Results page.
NOTE: Submitting an alternate is always recommended even though it is optional. If you do not make an alternate pick and then find out after the tournament has started that one of your picks is a NO SHOW, it's too late -- and too bad for you.
Alternate picks will be automatically processed by the system between the 1st and 2nd rounds. Therefore, you do not need to contact the PTFG Commissioner to update your lineup. You will receive an automated email from the system if your lineup gets updated with your alternate pick. In the unlikely event that your alternate pick is also a NO SHOW, your alternate pick will not be used. Instead, your starting lineup will simply be updated with NO SHOW like prior years. The list of each team's alternate pick and whether it was used can be viewed on the Alternate Picks page available via the submenu link on the Weekly Results page.
NOTE: Submitting an alternate is always recommended even though it is optional. If you do not make an alternate pick and then find out after the tournament has started that one of your picks is a NO SHOW, it's too late -- and too bad for you.
August 10, 2013 - Prize History Page
Created new Prize History page which shows your prize history for all teams played in this league. This
page is accessible via the My Prize History link on the
tab once you're logged in. You can see the prize history for individual teams by click on the
Teams Played column on the
Career Winnings page.
June 12, 2013 - Scorecard Tab
Created new Scorecard tab which displays a
team's picks for the entire
June 12, 2013 - Weekly Lineup Page Enhancements
The Weekly Lineup page now shows your team's position for all standings. Before, only the season and
segment standing positions were displayed. If your team is in the Top 10, then it has a color
March 31, 2013 - League Golfer Usage Counts For Season Page
Add new Total Golfer Usages page ranking the most popular golfer picks across all teams for the current
season. This new page is available from the submenu links on the
Golfers Used page.
February 28, 2013 - Missing Lineup Alert Email
Added new missing lineup email alert that is automatically sent out the morning of the tournament if you
forgot to set your lineup. This feature is enabled by default but can be turned off via the My Profile
settings at the bottom each page
August 31, 2012 - All Tournaments Lineup Screen
Added new "All Tournaments" screen, which allows you to enter your golfer picks for all tournaments on a
single page. This screen is available on the Weekly Lineup
page. Just click on the "All Tournaments" submenu link.
April 15, 2012 - Tournament Golfer Earnings Page
Added new Golfer Earnings page which shows the final
tournament earnings and place for each golfer selected by one or more teams. This new page is accessible
from the Weekly Results tab.
March 21, 2012 - Let It Ride Season Format
Now offering a 3rd fantasy format known as Let It Ride. Under this format, you simply pick 3
starting golfers each week and "let them ride". There is no weekend sub. The other two existing game formats
are "Pick 3 Classic (with Weekend Sub) and "One & Done".
February 16, 2012 - In-Progress Season/Segment and Other Contest Indicators
Added "In-Progress" indicator to the Prizes page to indicate when
a season or segment is still in-progress.
January 4, 2012 - No Cut Tournament Indicator
A "No Cut" indicator has been added to the Schedule and Weekly
Lineup pages for the select few tournaments which don't have a cut after the 2nd round. In other words, all
golfers in the field should win some money.
August 18, 2011 - In The Money (ITM) Standings
Added new In The Money (ITM) Standings to the
accessible from the main Standings page. There are now standings to make to make easier to see where you
stand for the 4 different ITM competitions:
- Cuts Made
- Start of Season Streak
- Anytime Streak
- No Winner Picked
August 10, 2011 - Weekly Results Email Notification
Users now have the option to receive an email notification immediately after the weekly results have been
posted on Sunday night. By default, you will receive this email notification unless you choose to disable it.
This option is available via your Profile page, which is accessible at the bottom of each page after
logging in.
May 1, 2011 - Lineup Email Reminder Enhancements
Two new user settings available via the My Profile link on the the bottom of each page:
- Users now have the option to only receive the Wednesday morning set lineup reminder email if they have not entered a lineup. If a lineup has been entered, then you will not receive an email reminder.
- Users may now elect to receive a weekly summary of clubhouse message posts via email instead of just daily. The weekly summary is sent every Monday.
January 23, 2011 - League Career Stats Page
Added new League Career Stats page allowing you to see the stats for all teams played by a selected
user for all seasons. Just click on the LC link in the far right-hand corner of the
stats page.
January 22, 2011 - Hall Of Fame (HOF) Rankings Page
Added new Hall Of Fame (HOF)
standings which ranks the top
Tradition performers of all time. HOF standings are for historical and entertainment purposes only.
There are no prizes awarded for HOF results.
May 27, 2010 - Claim Your Prize Page
Added new Prize Claim page for users to claim their prizes at the end of the season.
December 20, 2009 - Optional Best Ball Contest
Added new Best Ball Contest functionality. An optional side contest where multiple teams can be
paired up for highest weekly team score.
November 19, 2009 - Show Password Checkbox
Added Show Password checkbox to login page which allows you to see your password as you type it.
November 1, 2009 - Daily Clubhouse Summary Email
Added option to receive an email once a day containing all Clubhouse messages posted within the last 24
hours. This option is disabled by default but can be enabled via your user profile page (use the
My Profile link at the bottom of each page after logging in).